Tuesday 12 July 2011

change of tac

I'm going to use this blog for all manner of things as i have so much going on in my head at any one time. So this is my outlet. I've recently become fascinated by Tarot cards and have bought my first ever set. They are beautiful and are called Tarot of the Sweet Twilight. As i'm totally new to Tarot and how to read them I'm going to do a card a day to help me to learn the cards and their meanings. The little white booklet that can with the cards doesn't really give me a lot of information so I'll collect info from the internet to help me with my interpretations. All part of my journey.

So today's card is:
10 of Wards

booklet description: dont try to control or manipulate those around you - just worry about you.

Suit of wands -Fire element. Energizing cards.

then looking at different websites this card is know as the The Lord of Oppression.
This is pretty key that I have drawn this today as I feel my energy is blocked.

useful references:

Affirmation: I release all repression so my Will flows freely.

Another site says too many projects! How very true!

ooh and there's the post - My Tarot bible has arrived! excellent. And the reciept is inside - in the suit of wands section ;-)

Friday 13 May 2011

Mo's Muffins

OK it has been ages since I added anything to my blog so thought it was about time I started again. I bought a silicone muffin mould last week and its BRILLIANT! so far I've made some blue cheese and walnut muffins which were tasty but i over did it on the salt a bit. So today I've made some goats cheese, red pepper and chili...:-)

ah and the recipe is by Huge Fearnly_Whittingstall (am a huge fan!) which I've adapted with my own flavours.

Here's some picks of the first batch I made:

hhmmmm tasty good with butter..

Recipe (I halved the recipe as I only wanted to make six):

100g Plain flour
20g oats
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
dash of sea salt
30g hard goats cheese
1 egg
125g whole milk yogurt
2 tbsps olive or rapeseed oil
half a red pepper
1 tsp dried chilli
1 tsp dried rosemary

Tuesday 30 November 2010

I'm like a bird...

A new arrival - Isabella Ivy MacAuley - so decided to make a little bird as a card from upcycled materials!

Finished little baby bird. Have used rick-rack for the legs this time rather than string

Close up of the head

Have machine stitched the wing on this time which I think works better than hand stitched

Once I'd finished her, I decided to tweek my christmas bird design slightly by using machine stitch and also adding my tags. They still need legs though.....;-)

Friday 26 November 2010

Tweet Tweet

The initial sketch

Completed - All made from scrap fabric

Close up
Inspired by a trip to Bath with my sister on the 19 November I've created a little birdie to tie on Christmas presents - which can then be tied to the Christmas tree!

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Getting creative with icing

Icing a little too runny
Altogther looks quite effective

I treated myself to a piping set on Sunday, after being inspired by an article in an old Waitrose magazine.  Not being able to wait any longer to try it out, I had my first attempt tonight. Not bad. Not quite what I wanted, but not a total disaster!

Getting the consistency right for the icing was the first challenge - not too runny and not too thick. Got it to what I thought was 'about right' then added some colouring. Too light, too pink, just right! (don't think eco bulbs are condusive to getting the right colours though - so it turned out salmon coloured..)
The nozzle a no.2 is too fat for the result I was wanted to achieve, so a new nozzle is required. The bag was easy to clean and I also managed to remove all traces of red food dye from my fingers! (not a good look).

They are now sitting in the fridge to set (hopefully) before being posted..

And the reason for custard creams? All because of a text I sent to Gav which said...Custard Cream or Jammie Dodger......I was just going to post a standard packet of custard creams, but then thought it would be nicer to ice them!

Naked custard creams...

Adding the first splash of colour

mmm was aiming for red..

Sugar cubes - make the message even sweeter!

Boxed up and ready to go

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Any old vinyl

Today I've been listing my old vinyl records on ebay - but to be honest don't think I'm actually going to get much money for them so this got me thinking.....what can I do with this old vinyl instead? So after some internet research came across some amazing ideas - I love these butterflies by Paul Villinski. This has inspired me to have a go at making some things of my own.


My Back Pages (second Iteration) 2008 by Paul Vilinski. Photograph: Paul Villinski